“Whilst working in the State’s employ there are o surprises, and they don’t even ask you to make any extra effort to be alive the following day. Everything runs calmly and smoothly, without any collisions or upsets, writing the same papers and advice notes, the samedecrees and edicts, in the same way, throughout the entire year, except on Holy Days, Bank Holidays and free optional days, one of the best inventions of our Republic.”
The short story "Três Gênios de Secretaria" ("Three Geniuses of Secretary") is one of Lima Barreto's most satirical. In it, the writer criticizes bureaucratic labor through three caricatures: the honest, the dishonest, and the mediocre bureaucrat. Originally published in Brás Cubas, Rio de Janeiro, April 10, 1919, the piece also appears in the collection Contos completos de Lima Barreto, São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010.